Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tyrnavos Phallic Festival Pictures

Ok- this definitely warrants a detailed description, but I wanted to get the pictures up first. Wow. The most interesting thing I've seen so far. Enjoy. Also, check out the short video. You can get an idea of how packed it was.



Anonymous said...

If this is the most interesting thing you have seen so far, then I feel for you - as you are clearly still quite immature, and not opening up yourself to the true wonders that Europe holds.

Anonymous said...

And might I add, your friend Daniella sure does present herself in quite the "lady like" manner.

Anonymous said...

Ah oh you are in big trouble. I personally think that there is enough focus on mens' penises w/o the need for a penis festival but hey, I'm not Greek. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Seriously, while the pictures were entertaining to some, I think that a FEW of the pics were a bit much for your great grandparents (who are in their 80s) to see (like the one with you holding the big penis coming out of your crotch--some of us just don't want that picture in our heads LOL). I guess it is a matter of respect. I know that you want to be "true" to yourself, but recognizing consideration and respect for others will not take away anything from your quest for "truth". But hey, long live the penis and let's all get along now--no fighting.

Anonymous said...

Being "true" to yourself appears to be your current catch phrase used to excuse selfish, "me" centered behavior; it is simply a cloak to hid behavior that only concentrates on one's self; and lacks consideration of other's sensibilities.

Ann said...

Well, Well, even I was surprised by your pictures. And you know it doesnt take much to surprise me. But a Penis Festival!!!! Please, what is that about. The last thing we need to celebrate is the penis. Now, you need to go and see what Europe is REALLY about.

Dan DiPiazza said...

"If this is the most interesting thing you have seen so far, then I feel for you - as you are clearly still quite immature, and not opening up yourself to the true wonders that Europe holds."

When I say that it was the most interesting thing I've seen, I mean bizarre. You know that. Stop being so stiff. It's funny. Have a sense of humor, geez.

"And might I add, your friend Daniella sure does present herself in quite the "lady like" manner."

It was a joke, and she's 20 years old. You probably would have done the same thing.

Dana- I removed offensive pictures.

Ann- The penis is here to stay, sorry :)